Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Day Two: Lutheran Schools Week

Welcome to Lutheran Schools' Week! Though the celebration started yesterday, I was ill and not here to join in all of the fun. The theme is "It's Still All About Jesus!"

Students started the day with an opening prayer and devotion, led by Mr. Holcomb.  Yesterday's focus was that Jesus is the MESSAGE of Scripture Yesterday and Today and Forever.  Matthew 16:16-19 tells us how Simon Peter confessed who Jesus is when he asked.  Simon Peter answered Jesus, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." It was interesting because that is what our Faith Studies lesson focused on today! We discussed the different ways we can confess. One confession of our sins, and the other of our Faith! Each student was given the opportunity to write their own confession of Faith and what they believe to be true about God.  Check out a few that wanted to share.

"That he did come down and die on the cross for our sins. Then he will come back down on Judgement Day to take us to heaven and He is true Lord." -Amani

"I believe that God is the one true God.  That he can forgive my sins and give me mercy. He gives me things that I don't deserve and I love them so much. He helps me when I don't feel good, physically or emotionally.  Jesus is always with me. Amen." -Tyeson

"Jesus IS the true, living, and all powerful God. He died on the cross and rose again for the life and the world to come. He is true man and true God and he came to save ALL who are here and all who are coming." -Kelly

"I believe that God, the Father Almighty will stay by me and protect, comfort, and defend me every step I take.  That no matter what happens, what I do, where I go, He will be there to encourage me or cheer me on. I believe He will love me forever. I trust Him with my whole heart! Amen." -Luke

Today, we talked about how Jesus is the TRUTH of the Reformation Yesterday and Today and Forever. This tied in with their confession of faith. We also talked about how Satan tries to interfere and get us to believe him.  Bible verse focus today is John 8: 31-32

Dress up day today was Dr. Seuss character or book character! Look for pictures to come! 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Newsletter week of 2.12.2018

Welcome back after another snow day! Typical "Monday", even though it is Tuesday, and I couldn't get the printer to work to send home this week's newsletter. Here is the link for the newsletter - it is posted on the school's website under the "newsletter/chargers chat" tab.


I will be sending home a hard copy tomorrow with them!


Friday, February 2, 2018

January fun!

It has been a busy month since we came back from Christmas break! It has been fun getting back into the swing of things, and seeing the growth made in just a few weeks!

We have dove right into doing Daily 5 Reading stations at least twice a week. This gives students an opportunity to work with me in a small group setting on reading skills, as well as work in small groups at their level.  Some stations include Khan Academy, Vocabulary Activities, Silent Reading towards AR points, and a hands-on activity or game. The students really enjoy this time as it allows them to work for a short amount of time and then get up and move.  It also gives them a chance to be out of their own seat, collaborate, and talk with each other to problem solve, as they know not to interrupt me while I am working with a group. Here are a few pictures from this past week's Daily 5 time.

A few pictures from some fun recess time! It is fun to see them still having fun doing some of the "simple" things!